The work I do for all my clients including roofers is confidential.
We sign a nondisclosure confidentiality agreement together to protect both of our interests. That way the client feels confident in disclosing the goals and aspirations they have for their company, and, also, the strengths and weaknesses that may be preventing them from enjoying greater success so I can help them overcome the gaps as part of my service.
In summary, the work I do for roofers nationwide includes but is not limited to:
1. Web development and management
2. Persistent search engine optimization
3. Persistent social media optimization
4. Consultation
5. Lead generation
6. Copy writing and content creation
7. Keyword analysis
8. Competition analysis
9. Video scripting and content creation
Depending on the needs of the individual roofer I can do all the above as part of a monthly retainer or only some of the work suggested above.
In all cases, the roofer benefits enormously from my copy writing and marketing expertise alone.
Frankly, my goal is obvious because my perfect client will soon recognize that I’m an affordable and expert one stop provider and will want to put me on a monthly retainer.
For the full range of services I provide, and the expertise and marketing acumen I bring to the table, a monthly retainer would be best for many roofers or for anyone in a business that has many competitors. Why? Because in all cases considering the alternative of hiring a highly experienced and talented employee and paying this individual a monthly salary commensurate with a similar complete menu of skills, and, also, paying all their related employment taxes, would create an enormous expense.
In truth, in my experience it costs less for a roofer, or anyone in a business that requires my services, to retain me as an outside consultant to provide all these services than to do all this work in house, or to find another alternative that may require you to manage five people each doing pieces of the work I can do for them, but at a cost that is much more than my retainer.
Finally, consider this:
I’m the most affordable alternative because I don’t have to constantly provide an income for an extensive staff. Instead, I’m free to turn down work, and only work with a select number of roofers who I number among my perfect clients because I can provide them a complete range of services. In addition, consider that the work I do for roofers is based on a Template of Related Services I’ve optimized for all roofers but only provide to a single roofer in an entire metro area.
In other words, if you’re a roofer you pay less to retain me, and you get more but what you receive is part of my confidential service and never conflicts with the service I provide for another roofer in a city far away.
Consider the value of working with a person who can develop and communicate the unique sales proposition of your business no matter where it is located in a way that positions you as the preeminent roofer in your location.
In conclusion, if someone isn’t doing this service for your company you need to get moving. The internet is a super competitive space and in some ways it pits every service against its competitors. No matter what your business, if you have competitors, you can safely assume they’re not fools. If they’re paying for this level of service and you’re not they will sooner or later erode your business. It’s the way of the world today. So, be smart. Invest in a retainer. Take action now.
Young or old, no matter the age of your prospects, the same principles apply. The market is a moving parade and the people in the moving parade are immutable. What motivates them has not changed in thousands of years. What people need, want, and desire was the same yesterday, is the same today, and will be the same forever. And what produces leads, sales, and profit today will produce profit tomorrow. The only thing that has changed is today and tomorrow you must operate your business in an increasingly competitive market. The solution is obvious, but the strange thing is the obvious hides in plain sight for you. The time to start is right now. Start now.